

Six months sauntering around Oz – how do you summarise that? Anyway, arrived in Sydney, travelling solo, went north all the way to Port Douglas, into Red Centre, to Perth, back along south cost via Adelaide to Melbourne and Victoria and onto Tasmania. Great...
Namibia and Northern Botswana

Namibia and Northern Botswana

A marvellous adventure! For lovers of wildlife, nature, wilderness and people, this was the trip of a lifetime. Four months in a jeep/tent, wandering as the mood took us, this was life as good as it gets! This story is a quick overview. There will be more detail on...
Southern India – Kerala

Southern India – Kerala

Paintings reflect this Trip A visit of 2 months to Kerala in SW India left a truly lasting impression of this friendly, diverse people and their colourful environment. I have to admit that this was “India Lite”, done with diversity, scenery, people and painting...