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Island with a Difference

We have visited most parts of Italy at different times. We are doing a note on Sicily on the basis that it is a fascinating and very attractive place and also, maybe, a place less visited. It is about 30% of size of Ireland and packed with stuff to see and do. We arrived in Sicily on overnight ferry from Naples (another fascinating place). Our trip was for a month and was all over the island – main points Palermo, Cefalu, Gulfo of Castellammare, Erice, Sciacca, Agrigento, Enna, Ragusa, Syracuse, Taormina, and many places in between.

I have included some photos to give an impression of the island. Many are a bit misty because that’s how it was – it was early in year but there were many sunny times as well.

This is a really interesting place for anyone interested in history and archaeology. Sicily has seen it all – Hellenism, Romans, Byzantine, Saracens, Normans, Spanish and of course, north African. All these are reflected in e.g. its architecture and art.
There are temple and amphitheatres at e.g. Segesta, Solimenta, Agrigenta, Syracuse, Taormina, Vale of Temples.

As far as we could see, the main activities relate to tourism, fishing and a wide variety of small scale agriculture. No evidence whatsoever of the big “M”!

There are many very attractive towns around the coast – Palermo, Cefaly, Castellenmare, Erice, Sciaca, Syracuse, Taormina, Cefalu. All different in their own way, but with a great variety of architecture and activities e.g. fishing.

Central Sicily is quite mountainous (and was a bit brass monkey!). Very attractive hill top towns. Enna is main one and a good base, with an impressive castle and cathedral.
Palermo is a very impressive capital as Is Syracuse, famous as the home of Arcimedes of “eureka!” fame. Taormina is a bit fancier but has great views of Mt Etna.



Petralia Soprana

Petralia Sottana


Castellanemare del Golfo


San Vito Lo Capo

Erice (In The Mist)




Castalcibetta inland perched village

Agrigento Ruin and Town




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