A curiosity which we eventually visited. We would never have anticipated that there was so much to see in Malta and Gozo.
The Capital Valetta is remarkable, so much to see and do. Unquestionably the highlight is St Johns Cathedral – the art is spectacular – including Carravaggio – The famous Beheading of St John. Also Grand Palace, Port, Other Islands, wandering the streets, cafes, etc.
Archaeologists Dream – Magar Qim – 3000BC – really worth reading about if interested in that sort of thing. Many other sites.
Gozo-Mighty Citadel ,walls etc, cathedral, harbour, arch sites. Really interesting is the Dwejra Point window-cliff arch and adjacent Blue Hole.
Popeye Village – a real curiosity-built in 1980 as a film set. I spent days painting this and listening to the reenactments from the film.
Something different – a really colourful fishing village in the south.