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It was a great experience to eventually visit and paint in a place which has been a lifetimes fascination. We travelled around quite a bit on the single-line tram, visited the excellent art Museum and adjacent building with the Dead Sea Scrolls. Our main concentration was on the OLD CITY. We spent many days rambling around and experiencing the contrasting Quarters, We managed to visit all the Holy Places of several religions . Of course, as Christians, Christs Tomb ,The Rock of Golgotha in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre were particularly poignant. We also visited The spectacular Dome of The Rock, Mount of Olives, Gethsemane, Via Del Orosa etc-all very memorable experiences. I had the opportunity to create several on-site Jerusalem oil paintings , which also gave opportunity to interact with locals and visitors.

Some days were spent creating a Jerusalem Western Wall Oil painting on site. This provided a fascinating perspective on the number of reverential pilgrims visiting . As well, of course , as the number of visitors .
Fascinating, as well, was the sight of the Dome of the Rock next door, behind the wall. To access this we had to go thru a security. We could not visit the Dome itself and had to depart the surroundings before prayer commenced.


Having visited during an afternoon when there were large crowds, we made several early morning visits when crowds were less. It was really very moving to be able to enter the chamber with the Tomb of Christ and witness the Rock Of Golgotha (behind window). We walked several times along the Via Del Orosa and witnessed the various Stations-again very moving. We were a bit surprised that these were narrow streets.


Hurva Square, in centre of Jewish quarter, is bustling with cafes ,etc. We sat gazing at the magnificent reconstructed Hurva Synagogue.We watched the many visitors, youth choirs etcto thr Golden Menorah, in its glass case, which is central to Judaism Rites

Of course, I did a Hurva Synagogue and Square oil painting on site.This involved many interactions with locals and visitors. I also did a painting of the Ramban Mosque nerby.

Walking along the fascinating, and now classy!) Cardo -the central undergrounnd roadway-connected to the Christian and muslim Quarters


Walking thru the Jaffa gate, we first saw the famous King Davids Citadel. In front is the bustling Square with shops and cafes . I did another Jerusalem Oil painting here. This involved much pleasant chats with locals and visitors.

A sunlit view of a serene urban square lined with palm trees and benches, with people walking and sitting, a red three-wheeled vehicle parked to the side, and a historic building with a stone facade and a tower in the background under a clear blue sky. An artist in a camouflaged hat and grey sweater is painting a scene on canvas at an outdoor urban location, with a historical building and pedestrians in the background. Ancient stone towers and walls of a fortress with palm trees and pedestrians on a sunny day.


A short bus ride from Damascus Gate, Bethlehem lies in West Bank territory.We were encourage to go as part of a tour. But, following our creed of using public transport as a method of getting to know a place, we took the bus-a much cheaper and more interesting option. This involved simply showing passport at crossing. We spent a good time exploring the bustling streets. There was a definite contrast between the areas of the different creeds.
The highlight was visiting the CHURCH OF THE NAVITY and seeing CHRISTS BIRTH PLACE and MANGER. There were many people .But it was still a very touching and memorable experience.


We spent just 1 day, Reached by v comfortable train from Jerusalem. We were very impressed by the modern city centre. Of course we had to visit the impressive Tel Aviv Art museum with its collection of Israeli and International Art.
We had very pleasant ramble along the long, tree-lined Boulevard Rotschild, eventually arriving at the old port of Jaffa. There we rambled around and sat taking in the harbour, promenade, cafes .
The whole atmosphere was peaceful and relaxed.

An urban skyline featuring a variety of modern buildings with construction cranes visible against a clear blue sky, surrounded by palm trees and a plaza with scattered benches and lamp posts. A shaded pedestrian walkway lined with sycamore trees and benches, flanked by a street on one side and a row of ornamental green planters on the other, with buildings in the background under a clear sky. Alt text: A coastal cityscape with a clear blue sky, showing a sandy beach alongside a calm sea, with a few people walking on the beach. A stone breakwater extends into the scene, separating the beach from an area under development. In the background, a coastal road is lined with palm trees and modern high-rise buildings. A cobblestone street with people walking, featuring the exterior of an old stone building with bright blue doors and window grills, a small fruit stand, and various items like chairs and a cart nearby.

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